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Bringing teams together to improve maternity services
Published work: News and Tips
Morgan, V. (2017) ‘E-learning. Perinatal mortality and morbidity.’ The Practising Midwife, 1 September [online]
Morgan, V. (2017) Report review. Perinatal mortality and morbidity: a retrospective. The Practising Midwife, vol. 20, issue 1, pp. 30-33.
Morgan, V. (2016) 'The National Maternity Review: the four Cs - choice, continuity of carer, communication and continuous quality improvement.' The Practising Midwife, vol. 19, issue 6, pp. 36-38.
Morgan, V. (2016) ‘Quality Improvement in Maternity Services: How Deming Can Help’ The W Edwards Deming Institute, 31 May [Blog]. Available at:
Morgan, V. (2016) ‘In the shoes of Victoria Morgan…Reflecting on #MatExp and the impact it is having.’ Nutshell Communications, 18 January [Blog]. Available at:
Morgan, V. A. (2016) ‘2015: maternity’s big year. News review of the year.' The Practising Midwife, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 8-9.
Morgan, V, (2015) ‘Now is the time for multi-disciplinary team learning between neighbouring maternity units informed by real time, comparative data about safety.’ The Women’s Health Patient Safety Day. London, 16 October. London, Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, pp. 9
Morgan, V. (2015) 'The power of two: reflections on the MBRRACE-UK maternal and perinatal deaths reports and the London maternity strategic clinical network.' The Practising Midwife, vol. 18, no. 8, pp. 12-15.
Morgan, V. (2015) 'The power of two: what the national maternity review team need to know.' Sheena Byrom midwife 21 June [Blog]. Available at
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